- DUEL: \ˈdü-əl also ˈdyü-\ noun Middle English, from Medieval Latin duellum, from Old Latin, war 15th century 1: a combat between two persons ; specifically : a formal combat with weapons fought between two persons in the presence of witnesses2: a conflict between antagonistic persons, ideas, or forces ; also : a hard-fought contest between two opponents
Fully equipped with white gloves and bludgeoning tools/pistols in hand, I've called a face-off between two worthy contemporaries. While both cities have their own personalities, in very many ways, they are cut from the same cloth. And in this blog, I want the two to jello wrestle.
Why? Simple. Out of love. I love both contenders and want to shout it from a mountaintop. And since I've got weak lungs, I've decided to scream, yell, yodel via internet. Entry after entry will weigh the merits of New York versus D.C. The Capital City versus The Big Apple. There's no hiding in this epic face-off. These two will arm wrestle over music, politics, fashion, history, infrastructure, bars, sports, media, safety, burgers, bridges, anything, everything. All for MY love and affection.
As neither the big spoon nor the little spoon in this ménage à trois, I'm caught between which one I want to face and the one I want to turn my back to.
:::flashback waves:::
This geographical indecision began when I spent the summer in Manhattan as an intern and the school year in DC as a student. Finding both experiences wonderful and enriching, I repeated this double-life pattern until I graduated this past May. While I was in New York for the summer one last time, I had come to a fork in the road where I had to choose one or the other. Since I had completed my undergrad in DC, I took the road most frequently traveled: I started my professional career in good, old Gotham. To further claim my place in the New York City sun (or what you can see of it through the pollution), I began my graduate studies at Columbia. So now I'm here for good. For three years. And boy do I miss DC.
:::flashback complete:::
Hence, this blog to pour out my conflicted heart. I will speak as authoritatively as I can during this debate, but keep in mind, my knowledge of both is comparable to that of Sarah Palin's to international relations--been around it, can see it, acknowledges its presence, but there's still SO much more to learn. This will be a learning experience for me and you.
So tune in, expect a magnanimous match up. And some cool pictures. And audience participation. Because after November 4th, you're going to be in search of a good, bloody battle.
DC versus NYC. NYC versus DC. Dukes are up. THE BATTLE BEGINS NOW.
image from: www.kcl.ac.uk
Thanks to Jaci for opening my eyes to yet another fabulous blog I can add to my Netvibes. And while it's getting pretty crowded in there, and I should probably start cutting back, this seemed the perfect time to keep growing. Spent 4 years in DC and have always dreamed of NY, so I'm excited to read what's to come...
i love your blog --- so delighted.
nearly inspired to do one of my own, you know personally... ciao - post soon!!!
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