24 December 2008


With Christmas just a few hours away, I figured that I can take a break from my non-work work and update about this special time of year.

...and I guess I'll discuss the merits of both cities during the holiday season.

Let's start with the District. No other place--at least to me--can compare with the Holiday parties that happen in Washington. I do not know of any other city in the United States where, if enough effort is applied, a person can eat and drink for free, starting Black Friday. With all the different companies and societies throwing holiday parties, it's a smorgasbord for free libation and mastication. If you're in the know, you can walk into almost any holiday party at a hotel or bar, say you're with a general constituency and you will be welcomed with open glitter-and-chiffon laden arms. Everyone is so deeply imbibed that they cannot see pass a Texan saying they're from a district in California. Not to mention, so many downtown hotels are hosting company functions that they can not keep track after the initial check-in. Not to mention, my favorite girls throw the best, most legendary holiday parties in DC.

Manhattan, while it's holiday party scene lives in the shadow of DC, can flex their holiday muscle to some attention. First off, it is the city of lights. And everyone knows, the holidays are about lights. ALL ABOUT LIGHTS. I've even dragged myself to Herald and Times Square--places that I usually swear against. Everyone comes to shop, to see the sights, to be part of what 30% of holiday songs are about. And as emotionally disconnected as a city New York tries to be, this lovely place can' t help but warm up to holiday feelings. And everyone gets involved. The MTA runs a vintage car, neighborhoods throw block parties, stores have sales, bars are adorned with garland. New York City...Tifanny's...Macy*s...New York Public Library...LES shopping. SO HOLIDAY!

To keep this short and sweet, New York City (not just Manhattan) has the lead. The tree at Rockefeller trumps the tree at the White House. Even the tree lighting ceremony whoops its ass. Even the tree at Bryant Park whoops its ass. And even the most hipster bars in Brooklyn decorate for the holidays. And, I'm no worker of Santa's workshop but any place that breaks through their tough exterior in honor of the holidays gets my vote. I mean, even my most anti-social coworker baked carrot cake and helped me wrap gifts. HELLO.

But, while I say NYC has the lead, this is the time for a truce. In the words of Wyclef, "No fighting, no fighting." There is no battle here, just celebration. And while I love me some Mr. Jean, John Lennon put it best into song & rhyme:


Happy Christmas. No War.

***Even though Manhattan trumps.

****Trumps HARD.

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