Popvant-garde artist Lady Gaga has released her latest music video and if you have not seen or heard about its inspired insanity, check it out below!
Mhmmm. Amazing, I know.
Pegging this single from her re-release album, "The Fame Monster," as the theme song for Halloween 2009, I expected a gloriously dark and dramatic five minutes of Gaga, her Haus of Gaga entourage and a beefy stud running shenanigans around Rome, giggling through every frame as they prank innocent tourist. Possibly shot in black and white and red.
But this sci-fi stunner proves that my creative vision is limited at best.
From the Alexander McQueen fashion--in particular the crab claw heels--to the pyrotechnics, this video has it all right. My favorite parts include the slight freak out in the beginning (picture, right), the bear train on her white dress, and the orbit accessory that she wore on her SNL performance. As an advocate for the use of the old-school dance moves, I was ecstatic to see the charleston, the twist, and my personal favorite, the mashed potato. Sidenote: Did I see some bhangra moves during the chain-mail swimsuit sequence?

The video could not have had a better ending: Ms. Germanotta in cheekbone-defining makeup with fire behind and a bear beneath statuesque pose screamed neo-Delacroix painting.
Cheers to her team of crazies who do not compromise peculiar, but wonderfully creative ideas; I am glad to know I am not alone. Good thing I have today off because I will be providing at least 140, 007 more hits to this clip.